en masse

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en masse

  1. biljardi.

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yhtenä joukkona in a single body or group; as one; together
"The net effect of the narrowing passage and the muddy interlude was that the heavy infantry elements arrived to meet the English in disorder (and not en masse) - which allows mobbing tactics which ordinarily wouldn't have been available, given their relative numbers." — http://groups-beta.google.com/group/comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.rpg/msg/0156063f3df2a103
1955, (w), Tristes Tropiques, 1993 ed., (w), ISBN 978-2-259-00359-1, chap. VII, p. 67

L'humanité s'installe dans la monoculture ; elle s'apprête à produire la civilisation en masse, comme la betterave.
: — Mankind has opted for monoculture; it is in the process of creating a mass civilization, as beetroot is grown in the mass.1973, John & Doreen Weightman (trans.), (w), 2011 ed., (w), ISBN 978-0-14-197073-8, chap. VII
in large amounts
puhekieltä in sufficient amounts
in large amounts


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